Hannah's Thoughts & Ideas...

Friday, March 03, 2006

March 3, 2006

Well...........today was good I guess. I played jump start spanish. I got another fish for the fish tank in the game. I (think) I hate school. My friend Julia is spending a night. My other friend Kaycee is over till her dad comes to get her. She (might) be sleeping over with Julia and I. Were going to watch moves (maybe). Well.............. maybe todays going to be fun after all.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well todays going to be fun.......... maybe. I don't have school today (yeah) ! Todays Dr. Seuss day in school...... but we aren't going to school ! I don't understand some of the books or words. But I like the ones that I understand. I hope I can play on the ps2. My brothers will hog it all.I'm going to practice my instrument (clarinet) . Maybe my mom will figure out how to get my pet Tiger (it's purple) on this blog. I like this it's fun! I'm going to play internet checkers ......... and try to win (for my first time). I'm not good at it.